Brush your teeth every day! We all hear about the basics of Dental Hygiene and preventing cavities, but how much do we know beyond the basics? Plaque build up on the teeth is what softens the enamel and causes cavities, but what causes plaque and how can we avoid it? Plaque build up is what occurs when bacteria stick to the teeth and create colonies that harden into plaque. There are many types of bacteria that live in our mouths, some beneficial and others that are not. Effective brushing is what helps to keep bacterial colonies at bay by removing their food source i.e.; leftover food particles from what we eat.

The bacteria that make plaque on our teeth thrive on foods that are sugary and foods that stick on around and in between the teeth surfaces. Ideally we need to brush after every meal, but as this isn’t always possible then there are other things we can do to minimize the opportunities for bacteria to grow. Eating a piece of fruit such as an apple is great for a cleansing effect in the mouth, helping clear away other food debris and gently cleaning tooth surfaces. Choosing to snack on nuts or carrot and celery sticks along with some cheese is great because you are increasing your vitamin and calcium intake as well as avoiding the pitfalls of sweet snacks.

Chewing gums that are sugar free help cleanse food particles out of the teeth after eating as well as bringing acid levels back down with the production of saliva cleansing the mouth.

Regular six monthly visits to your Bundaberg Dentist for scaling and cleaning of the teeth is a great way to not only keep your teeth clean but will also prevent cavities that will require dental visits for fillings and more. Prevention really is better than cure when it comes to good dental hygiene.

When brushing your teeth, use a soft to medium bristle brush, never a hard bristle as these can damage tooth enamel surfaces and also cause tiny abrasions on the gums. It is important that your brushing technique covers the gums around the teeth as well to cleanse away bacteria. Use toothpaste if you can but if you run out, then baking soda and water also give a great clean. Mouth washes are very useful for helping cleanse the mouth and can help swish away food particles the brushing missed. Look for a mouth wash that is alcohol free. Flossing is the other vital ingredient for thoroughly cleaning around the teeth and helping to prevent bad breath. Flossing reaches into the spaces the brush cannot go and helps extract food particles as well as cleansing bacterial build up. Following these good hygiene practices will keep your teeth healthy for a life time.

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