The dental visits most people make during their lifetime are for simple maintenance like cleaning or having cavities filled. With the increased popularity and availability of cosmetic dentistry, other visits will include teeth whitening, crowns and bridges and of course, orthodontics. However, there are occasions where more extensive dental work is needed which possibly may require dental surgery. Some of this surgery may be able to be performed in the dental chair, but for other procedures, hospitalisation may be necessary, along with a general anaesthetic. To perform this type of dental surgery requires specialised qualifications and experience, so this work is typically not performed by a general dentist.

One of the most common procedures that may require extensive dental surgery is the removal of wisdom teeth. If the extraction is a routine one, most dentists Bundaberg would confidently perform this procedure. If the extraction is more complicated, for example, if the wisdom teeth are impacted i.e. have not erupted fully through the gum into their expected alignment, the patient may elect to be hospitalised.

Dental implants are another procedure that may require more than a typical visit to a general dentist, especially if there is more than one, or in extreme cases, a full arch. This specialist surgery inserts a metal cylinder into the jawbone to replace the root from the missing tooth. A connector, usually a screw, is then attached to the implant and finally the tooth is attached to the connector. The choice of having a general anaesthetic is always the right of the patient, but for extensive dental surgery, it is often a much more comfortable option.

This is especially true in cases where the patient may require bone augmentation to support the implant. This is usually performed either before or during the dental implant surgery. Bone augmentation is the process of placing filler bone in a space to encourage the patient’s own natural bone to grow around it. Once a tooth is removed from the jaw, the tooth root is no longer there to support the bone, which begins to recede from the jaw almost immediately. This loss continues over time, but can be stopped by the placement of dental implants.

In most patients who have orthodontic treatments to straighten and correctly align teeth, there is little in the way of major surgery required to support the procedure long-term. However, sometimes, the bite function is still causing the patient problems or their facial profile needs adjusting. Jaw surgery is one of the methods used to correct these issues, and this type of dental surgery Bundaberg would normally be performed by specialists in a hospital and under general anaesthetic.

While some patients may elect to have much of this surgery performed under a local anaesthetic in the dental chair, the more extensive surgery should be undertaken with all the infection control precautions that hospitalisation offers. This is specialist surgery performed by highly trained surgeons and it seems only common sense that patients would take advantage of these skills.

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