Teeth whitening has become a very common procedure and is no longer viewed as purely for vanity purposes. Having a dazzling smile is the gateway to self-confidence for a lot of people. With aging, teeth naturally become stained and more yellow and this leads a lot of people to try and hide their teeth when they smile. This automatically makes them less confident.

Even if you took first rate care of your teeth – brushing and flossing twice a day – from when you were little, they will still become yellower with age. It’s a simple fact of life – the enamel loses its whiteness over time. Of course, what we eat, drink and smoke can also hasten this process – teeth can easily become stained. Bleaching teeth is a common way to remove the stains and is a popular tooth whitener.

Another reason people often have their teeth whitened is to look younger – yellowing teeth are very aging. Whiter teeth are also generally viewed as healthier – let’s be honest, if someone has bad teeth, we generally believe that their hygiene is suspect.

Because of advances in this area, and the fact that the procedure has become so much more popular of late, costs are not nearly as expensive as you would think. Sometimes health insurance may even cover it. Costs and insurance coverage vary by procedure and there are a few different options out there.

At Home Bleach Trays

These make use of a whitening solution that is applied daily and works gradually over the course of a few weeks. You will have to wear a tray with bleaching gel in it for part of the day, every day.

Teeth Whitening Strips

These are pretty new on the market and allow you to forego the trays. This is a portable system and suitable for those on the move. It is also a gradual process.

Teeth Whitening Bundaberg at the Dentist’s

For a faster and more convenient procedure, you can simply visit your dentist. Results are generally better and certainly a lot faster and it is the easiest option for you. Generally teeth are whitened using a laser and a bleaching compound and could take about two or three hours. The benefit is that you’ll leave the dentist’s office with teeth that are noticeably whiter.

Having the treatment done professionally at the dentist’s office is advisable if you want to go a few shades lighter. Not only are a lot of home treatments simply not strong enough to effect a huge change in whiteness, overuse can also seriously damage the teeth. The bleaching compound at the dentist’s is stronger but can be customised so that damage to teeth is minimised.

Whichever way you decide to go, one thing you can be sure of is that a whiter and brighter smile is a great way to boost your confidence levels.

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