Anyone who has ever been in that blissful moment of eating their favourite food and totally enjoying the flavours and textures, knows the pain of suddenly biting the inside of their mouth or their tongue. Not only does it hurt like crazy, and spoil the enjoyment of the meal, but it can leave a ridged area at the site of the wound that just keeps getting in the way! More biting, more pain. So, what can be done about it?

Enter the field of cosmetic dentistry and Michael Frey Dental. Since opening his dental surgery Bundaberg in February 2008, Michael has been able to provide a variety of complex dental procedures, including cosmetic dentistry, to his patients. Some of these procedures in the past were not available in regional centres, and patients had to travel to the larger cities, incurring unwanted extra costs.

What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Do for a Person?

People undergo cosmetic dentistry for a number of reasons, and usually, vanity is not one of them. The various procedures go a long way to correcting the types of problems that other dental work has not been able to fix. Often, the teeth are causing other health issues, or the alignment of the jaw is creating problems when chewing. A person may have discoloured gums, or their smile is spoilt by rotten, chipped or missing teeth.

While some people would consider having the smile spoilt as vanity, it is a known fact that our appearance is linked strongly to our sense of self-worth. Rightly or wrongly, society values a pleasant visage. Studies have shown that physically attractive people have an advantage when job searching, for example, over their less attractive rivals. This is not fair, but it’s a compelling reason for people with a damaged smile to look for ways to improve it.

Typical Procedures to Improve Appearance

At Michael Frey’s dental clinic, patients can feel confident that any cosmetic dental procedure they select will be the best option for the goals they want. Michael has a value’s based philosophy of not pressuring a patient into a procedure that is too expensive for their circumstances, and not in their best long-term interest. He calls it “thoughtful dental solutions that meet your goals.” Notice that he said - your goals and not his goals.

Crowns are a common procedure that involves placing a synthetic cap on the top of a tooth that may be chipped or partially broken off. The finished result matches the look, feel and function of natural teeth. Veneers are a different procedure where thin layers of a type of laminate are applied to the existing teeth to cover stains or discoloured teeth, in order to correct chipped teeth and close gaps between teeth that otherwise, are healthy and straight.

Dental implants are especially effective to replace one or more teeth that are missing, often due to injury. It is no longer necessary to smile through closed lips when Michael Frey Dental can correct the problem. The procedure involves securing a titanium fixture into the jawbone which then acts as an anchor for a naturally-appearing tooth or teeth. The end result is undetectable from the rest of the teeth.

The range of cosmetic dental treatments now available is extensive and growing with improving technology and increased knowledge. It is no longer necessary or healthy to accept teeth that are an impediment to becoming the confident, self-assured person you can be. If you live in Bundaberg, contact Michael Frey for a consultation.  The phone number is 4152 8288 or click on The end result will brighten your smile.

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